Sunday, September 16, 2018

Beetle... wat!

Happy Sunday everyone! I sat down in the train Friday morning, saw this and started giggling like a friggin baby. It was one of those flashback kind of things I guess.

Do you see it?

Maybe it's just my warped mind. Maybe not! Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice...

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

What Stations Do You See With the Most Knuckleheads?

I hate taking the train. Aside of the usual smells and nastiness, I don't want to be around when trouble starts. Check out the article at the link below from SFGate.

These BART stations tally the most arrests

Sunday, September 2, 2018


I'm into the paranormal. You know, things like ghosts, aliens, bigfoot and all those things you see on tv documentaries. I mean how do you explain all those strange things people see. They're recorded by every day joes with their camera phones and even appearing in photos mysteriously. 

I'm sure you've heard of abductions.  No, not kidnappings by sick people. I'm talking about where a person disappears without any explanation known to man. No physical evidence other than something left behind such as... shoes.  I mean, it's like they were snatched so hard they're shoes were left where they were standing. Well, I think it's happening at BART. You be the judge.